Tom In Tallahassee

No, we did not. I appreciated the forebearance on the writers' part.

Speed. Common at the time.

With the exception of Dr. Miller, all his mistresses have been brunettes. The hooker who "took care" of him, however, was blonde.

Actually, this episode takes place in June 1968 — Stan's cousin killed in March "three months ago" — just a few days after RFK was killed.

I think it's a cross betweeen "Shaw" and "chaw."

Am I imagining it, or has Don become sort of intrigued by brunettes with hairdos similar to his step-mom's?

Will the game be in southwest Florida? And will they be playing one-on-one but not make-take? And will the heart attack be trans-mural, as the Aussie doctor described it?

I think people — Todd included — are over-thinking this episode, which I found alternately uproariously funny (Ken Cosgrove tap-dancing! William Tell on speed wth exacto knives! Blissful, incoherent Don! A quip from Pete: "I guess he IS in a better place) and creepy (Cutler eagerly watching his dead partner's daughter

"People fuck with their clothes on" now? Goldangingit, I just don't savvy this so-called "modern generation."

Thanks, @avclub-d116ae13554d47530ed800aef8ed5755:disqus . I got the story second-hand — and may have changed the order myself in the interests of a cleaner narrative.

Don could have told easily by what happened when he vomited: On shoes, OK; on face, not OK.

Next historical milestone(s): Riots at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago (watch for Dan Rather getting gut-punched!) and/or the Soviets crushing the Czech "velvet revolution."

What, the further-revealed Bob Benson didn't make you feel all glow-y?

Ah, go ahead and give it a shot. It can be one of the funniest shows on TV.

I'd vote for drunken crowds as being something Mrs. C would want to avoid.

I have heard that Wisconsin once made it a crime to sell margarine; when that law was struck down as unconstitutional, they amended the statute to require that maragine be dyed black.

My best friend's father served in the Pacific and saw a lot of action in a limited amount of time on Pelelieu. When I told him that my new badminton racket that he was admiring was made in Japan, he instinctively dropped it.

I forgot Don paid off the elevator operator. Pretty cold. But it's a good idea to make the senior partner vomit in front of potential clients if you don't want those people to be your clients. And Don could hardly be blamed for failing to anticipate Roger's heart attack. I agree, though, that Don is a sociopath.

I know this season is 1968. I was making reference to the moon landing and Chappaquiddick being on the same weekend in July of 1969.

disregard this post.