
Just look for the wifi name "┓┏ [_] =╱⊿┌┬┐" and use "rycbar123" as the password.

The Ponds had to be effectively time-locked because the Doctor couldn't let them go.  That was sort of the point of their relationship with the Doctor.  He couldn't let them go.  There really was no other way out.  This way we get to have our cake - an exciting new companion - and eat it too - the beloved (by some, at

That would be a sort of timey-wimey version of "50 First Dates"… which could certainly be interesting.

I don't think the comparison is fair here, considering there are two movies left to show him off in.  This one doesn't even get to the point in the book where the character shows up.  
By the end of 2014 everyone will know who Mikael Persbrandt is.  Hopefully he'll be able to bear all the attention.

I don't think the comparison is fair here, considering there are two movies left to show him off in.  This one doesn't even get to the point in the book where the character shows up.  
By the end of 2014 everyone will know who Mikael Persbrandt is.  Hopefully he'll be able to bear all the attention.

@Juan_Carlo:twitter : I think you underestimate the appeal of Richard Armitage, Aidan Turner, Dean O'Gorman, and James Nesbitt (and Martin Freeman's no slouch either) to the female demographic.  This film is loaded with beefcake for a reason.  The casting department did their homework.
If those names aren't familiar to

@Juan_Carlo:twitter : I think you underestimate the appeal of Richard Armitage, Aidan Turner, Dean O'Gorman, and James Nesbitt (and Martin Freeman's no slouch either) to the female demographic.  This film is loaded with beefcake for a reason.  The casting department did their homework.
If those names aren't familiar to

No no, you misunderstood.  Bret doesn't have a *cameo* now, that's all.  He's got a proper named speaking role now: he's playing Lindir.  From the Encyclopedia of Arda: "One of the Elves of Rivendell, named briefly in The Fellowship of the Ring. After Bilbo's rendition of his song of Eärendil, Lindir claimed that he

No no, you misunderstood.  Bret doesn't have a *cameo* now, that's all.  He's got a proper named speaking role now: he's playing Lindir.  From the Encyclopedia of Arda: "One of the Elves of Rivendell, named briefly in The Fellowship of the Ring. After Bilbo's rendition of his song of Eärendil, Lindir claimed that he

I was under the impression that September didn't realize his mistake until later, when it was too late.  He didn't mean to walk in at the *exact* moment Walternate synthesized the cure, and so he probably didn't even know that Walternate had missed the crucial titration until long after he had left and the

Holy pattern, Batman, was that the burrowing cylinder beacon from Season 1?  I thought we'd never see those things again beyond being used as a storytelling device by Walter in "Brown Betty."

It's a bit on par with a character saying, "Get me the tape from the security cameras."  Everybody knows that it's all digital now, but the language convention remains.

I'm constantly amazed at the variety of fun cravings Walter has.  It's amazing the writers can keep coming up with ways to integrate them.  I wonder if this time they came to John Noble and said basically, "Hey, we're running out of crazy things for Walter to eat.  Any ideas?"

I think that would require another meta-layer to the whole "unfolding timelines" business.  Could be their abilities don't extend to interfering with their own personal histories.

If that's so, then his reactions to Peter & Olivia's awareness of his other-timeline existence would be genuine surprise at finding someone else who remembers it.  He seemed honestly confused when they brought it up, but that could be either him putting up a convincing front or mere shock that he's not the only one

This episode really helped to bring the series full circle with the DRJ scenario playing out again.  Here I thought it was just a dropped story line the first time around, but he must have some good reason for trying to awaken Olivia's abilities.

With the way Astrid made such a big thing of it, photographing it and doubtless doing multiple tests on it, there's got to be something important there.  Perhaps in a future episode she'll find something that will allow them to track down the Observers or learn something crucial about them.

That would make them even more fascinating.  Imagine discovering the ability to travel at will outside of the restrictions of time, only to discover that in doing so you have destroyed your own ability to return home, because through your own actions you have set in motion events which cause your home to never have

I'll restate my prediction from last week: as Peter continues to dig down, the original timeline will start to re-emerge.  Olivia was just the start of it; the same thing is happening to Walter, and soon things will start to change back.  Mark my words: Jones will meet another bad end when everything snaps back, and

I think she will die, but since this is a science fiction show in which everything is possible, she will be brought back.  September may have meant that all possible futures *from this point forward* result in her death.  The obvious implication of that would be that things will be changed back, and we'll see the