No but she did tell one to "know your role and shut your mouth, you jabronie"
No but she did tell one to "know your role and shut your mouth, you jabronie"
I adore The Smiths but I can't imagine spending 90 minutes watching even a fictionalized Morrissey.
I never really watched TNA and am pretty ambivalent about anything related to Hogan past say 1998 so the cameo never even registered with me until I heard it mentioned in a thread somewhere then I thought "oh yeah".
Good luck getting a Boomer to try new things.
Let's see…Firefly, Chuck…
The "rule" (air quotes because it's really not) against terminating prepositions only exists because a
small group of influential 17th century antiquarians decided that
English should be more like Latin (despite being, at its root a Germanic
language - a language which has no such prohibition).
I hope he talks to himself awkwardly like in the Arkham games.
Remember when Obama used to fly off the handle with barely coherent rage filled attacks every time someone criticized him?
I really thought Debbie was going to snap and start "shooting" (aka actually beating the shit out of) on Ruth when her husband walked in.
I see Ramsey Bolton is still a dick
Those two thoughts really don't seem to be connected.
This seems…unnecessary.
It's a perfectly cromulent opinion
♫♫And I will crush that Spider-Man
And then that other Spider-Man
And then all the Spider-Men
Till I'm the Spider-Man♫♫
Reportedly they had scheduled an interview but there were technical difficulties with Cruz' human suit
No thanks.
Can we, the commentariat refer to it as "The Rufio origin story nobody wants"?
It was not Yoko.
The statue should recite random Trump tweets.
I suppose but she has a ton of film work under her belt.