
Tyrion and Bronn travelling around Westeros just being snarky.

Princess Leia's Stolen Death Star Plans put me in a Beatles mood so I've been going through the catalog. I'll probably continue through to the first round of solo albums before I'm through.

The terror with the Borg doesn't come from an existential threat. It comes from the loss of identity they represent.

Parody is protected under US copyright law.

I think it's a deleted scene but immediately afterwards they cut to the henchman's family receiving the news of his death.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Obama following the Jimmy Carter model of post-Presidency life - public service, charity, working to make the world a better place.


*insert clever Jagged Little Pill reference here*

I've heard it's a show you can really sink your tooth into

Spiderman 3. She was the impetus for that terrible dance scene.

I specialized in "Monkey Steals the Peach"

Just hand each of them a bottle of scotch filled with gasoline. Kill the one who drinks it.

Allow me to clarify further, removing any potentially "problematic" language.

The joke isn't that Trump or Putin is gay, it's that Trump is Putin's "bitch"

I feel like any adaptation of a Hercule Poirot novel that doesn't star David Mitchell is missing the mark

I think I've got the bemused part down. The detachment is difficult.

If you've ever seen the sorts of things that go into creating practical sci-fi/fantasy sound effects, you'd know that the sound designers that work on these projects are all insane geniuses.

I've moved past outrage, past incredulity and into weary resignation.

I got a Genesis notification for this.