
There's an effort to control drug use which is good but the bumps are getting more and more dangerous. I wouldn't be surprised to see a lot of the current generation ending up like Dynamite Kid when they're older.

Thanks for that. In a time when everything seems to be terrible, I don't mind being wrong about one of those things.

This is what happens when a reality TV star is elected President. Pretty much everything about Trump can be said to fit into entertainment news now

Declaring for 2020 is actually a deviously clever move. It limits the ability of certain non-profit advocacy groups to criticize him.

Dying on a toilet would be a fitting end.

Purdie Shuffle > Everything else


I liked Constantine.

This is the problem with "popular" science. People seem to equate the term "theory" with "guess". In scientific terms "theory" is actually better described as "model constructed using multiple point of supporting empirical data". While it is true that data does occasionally come along to alter and in some cases…

"I'M A 5 STAR MAN!!"

I think we know Paul Mooney's thoughts on this film

JK's done with him. The JV team can handle what's left.

I think Tommy Wiseau is free (as in both available, and you probably wouldn't have to pay him in anything besides ill-fitting suits)

It produced Lou Reed, Tom Waits, Patti Smith, William Burroughs…

Looks like it might be post Dark Side.

Franco really should not be doing period pieces - even schlocky ones.

He's more Roland Daggett

They decided to save it for later.

Did he ever get his pudding?

Creed without Stapp (aka Alter Bridge) isn't bad.