
Chucky Testa?

Stay here, Freckles!

Or reboot Clive Barker's NightBreed.

I fucking loved that game… Thanks for the reminder.

*Ahem*… She's not kooky, she's Adorkable.

So much for the svelte and smouldering Ethan Suplee.

One of the very few shows that I've seen in which I left the theater "humming the scenery"…It was so much more memorable than the songs.

Since Glover had a black guy play Bieber, I wonder why he didn't have a white guy play Urkel?

I'd like to add Dillahunt to my list of "People that I'll watch in anything" from a couple days ago.

True story time:

Third Place: Bob Marley

If I were King, I'd still want to read it anyway. Patterson should just send him a copy of the manuscript.

Walton Goggins, and David Morse

Did you notice Seth in the poster's group shot?

The gritty reboot.

The family of Marvin Gaye?

I love Caithlin De Marrais so very much.

80 pounds of makeup on your art school skin
80 points of I Q located with in.


The only time I'll ever get to say that I'm in the 1%…. And it's for a really shitty reason. :\