
I've heard it both ways.

I saw the Hooters open for Bryan Adams in Kansas ('86-'87?), and really wasn't expecting much… I was there to see Adams. To this day they remain one of my favorite openers ever.

Joe Jackson's "Is She Really Going Out With Him?" on .45…
I may have you beat….

Or the "Tunisian Beef Squeegee".

"Is still a huge bummer"… that article was in 2010.

"Nobody’s going to accuse the stool of anything."

I was thinking he sounds like Colin Hay as well. Especially his newer solo stuff.

I still listen to my Fabulous Disaster CDs pretty regularly.

In our house, Scorpion is filling the void left by Leverage quite nicely.

That's Schillinger, asshole.

Fuck Carl… Dennis was the real talent.

I never realized until the last episode closing montage that Bubbles was actually my favorite character all along. I had no idea.

More like "Get off my compound," amirite, brah?

Greetings from Prescott!

Hey, leave me out of this!

I got a M*A*S*H notification for this?!?

Thanks a lot, Oh-Bummer!

Just Scrawler

This Ain't Brittany Murphy: The Lifetime Biopic Parody

You want to crash into them and bite their dick off? Kinda harsh, don't you think?