
Stereotypical Long Island dads put on whorish makeup and lingerie for their night jobs?

That was you?!?!?

Alabama Shakes is a fantastic CD..and that was honestly the best a live act has sounded on SNL in a long, long time. I hate that even my favorite acts sound like crap when they get on that show.

I do like that song (but Zero-Dark-Thirty kicks ass!), so I should probably clarify my stance on Moldy Peaches… I only know the Juno song, and that was enough to stop me from giving them another chance…lol.

Jimmy Fallon looks a bit hung over.
But the song wasn't bad, considering I love Aesop Rock and hate the Moldy Peaches.

My God, Lemmon…. something something 30 Rock.

@avclub-f1cabca05a9a64dd5900cf947a6792ca:disqus  Is that the new Jeff Foxworthy game show?

I used to confuse him with Jeni also. Jeni solved that problem for me.

Only because Robert Downey Jr is the only white guy allowed to do blackface anymore…

Chris Hansen? Dude, I'm your biggest fan! What are you doing here…uh…wait, what?

Terrence Howard approves this message.


Emeril's corpse! BAM!

@TheSensitiveGhostOfSethPu:disqus I was surprised how much she could fit in there, but I was still only willing to pay $20 for that "locker."


Except James Deen actually has talent. "Talent" not in quotes on purpose. Um… except that one.


Wait, that *isn't* Leto??

It was either the maid or Skeletor. Which would *you* pick?

What happened to those other underpants you had?