
That's why Obama planned all of this…

That's why Obama planned all of this…

JK Simmons?

JK Simmons?

Pure 8-bit joy. I love those guys.

Pure 8-bit joy. I love those guys.

Using the logic that the musicians should be paid even though they were willing to play for free, shouldn't most bands be paying everyone in the audience as back-up singers when they do that call/response/sing-along bullshit? Especially when the band totally stops playing just so we can hear everyone in attendance

Using the logic that the musicians should be paid even though they were willing to play for free, shouldn't most bands be paying everyone in the audience as back-up singers when they do that call/response/sing-along bullshit? Especially when the band totally stops playing just so we can hear everyone in attendance

Bitches love peanut butter.

Bitches love peanut butter.

That's pretty much what I was thinking.
The only people who were playing for her are people who WANT to play with AFP. It was a volunteer set-up, right? I'm not at all saying she couldn't afford it, but where's the harm in letting the musicians make up their own minds? They have every ability on their own to say,

That's pretty much what I was thinking.
The only people who were playing for her are people who WANT to play with AFP. It was a volunteer set-up, right? I'm not at all saying she couldn't afford it, but where's the harm in letting the musicians make up their own minds? They have every ability on their own to say,

@avclub-e0f7f1a073e97a850a334b932695aff5:disqus Wasn't Zak Starkey the drummer for Tin Machine with David Bowie and another 1 or 2 kids of famous musicians?

@avclub-e0f7f1a073e97a850a334b932695aff5:disqus Wasn't Zak Starkey the drummer for Tin Machine with David Bowie and another 1 or 2 kids of famous musicians?

They got no reason to live, either..

They got no reason to live, either..

That's my suggestion for *everything*… 

That's my suggestion for *everything*… 

Fap fap fap fap……

Fap fap fap fap……