
Unfortunately, the cost of her nudity also includes a naked Lithgow crying in the shower.     …But it's a price I'm willing to pay.

Mojo!  Fuck Yeah!

So do you think it's TMZ's swarm of paparazzi that goes digging through the trash, and generally being all up in people's shit (yo) is how they get to the facts? 
It makes me sad for "real" journalism… (I mean old school journalism. Woodward & Bernstein, Cronkite, etc….) Actually, just about all TV news makes me sad

In all seriousness, when/how did TMZ become credible as a "source" for so many news articles?
I've *always* equated them with "….as reported today in The National Enquirer". Is there really a difference?

That explains you are war on grammar.

This is explains why I'm not a hipster…
I had no idea that this was a VU cover. I knew the song from an old Voice of the Beehive CD that I owned in the 90's.

Was that before or after throwing up your dinner?
…Wait, the rice cakes weren't your dinner, were they? 'Cause that'd just be disturbing….

Sooo…… I can't really be the only person who fapped to this, right?

Go to Fleshbot, search for Ms. Knightly, Prepare to enjoy your Knachos. 

HipsterDbag walks into a tobacco shop, but you've probably never heard of it.

There were 2 scenes in History of Violence, weren't there? (3, if you also want to count Viggo in the steam room… Not that there's anything wrong with that.)   The hate-fuck in the stairwell, and the cheerleader outfit towards the beginning of the film….

You rang?

Wil Wheaton hates your photographs too.

…unless you got buns, hun.