We're all red herrings?
We're all red herrings?
Yes but hot damn she really is hard to recognize in this.
Unfortunately Lyonne and Sevigny don't connect much in this muddled film. Wish they'd made an entire movie just about them.
I basically agree. Without Lyonne this movie is nothing. But yes the ending is wild. Sick laughs.
I'm a big Ben Wheatley fan but was a little disappointed in High Rise. Solid movie but I expected more.
Have you seen Burden Of Dreams? It's a doc about the making of Fitzcarraldo, and I probably like both films equally.
Go Orioles!!
If only I could never hear Tebow's name again.
My Cubs are eliminating any mystery from the NL Central race. Best team in baseball? Sure. Am I relaxed and confident about October? No. Like I said, I'm a Cubs fan. I know better. Just enjoying the ride right now. They have a pretty long window to win the big one.
The part where a kick to the shin is delivered slayed me.
I too worry that Van Sant is kinda finished. Hope I'm wrong.
Anything to ensure the pain of Yankees fans.
Right there with ya man. Right there with ya.
I like the idea that AVCers can have that as some kind of covert high sign.
Oh man you have piles of great stuff ahead, enjoy!!
Last night drank a grip of Red Devils (Absolut & cranberry juice) and everything sort of went away for awhile. Tonight back to beer which is my norm, a sixer of Fire Rock pale ale from Kona Brewing. Also slugged some of that Absolut whilst cooking pasta.
"Libra" by Don Delillo, fifty cents at the thrift store and I'm liking it so far.
Good luck with all of it. I can relate to a lot of it, and it will get better!
Awesome book.
My partner's bday is the day after mine, same year even. We'd historically gone to Vegas but last year it finally dawned on us that we could have a joint bday party. Plus our bdays were Sat & Sun so it worked out great.