Wild Turkey Surprise

Memento is obviously a pretty dark drama but my favorite part of the film is a hilarious one, when Leonard "wakes up" and sees the guy in the parking lot and says "Ah, I'm chasing this guy!" and then the guy pulls a gun and shoots at Leonard and his narration changes to "whoops, no, he's chasing me". It cracks me up

Can't believe it took two years to finish The Brood! Great movie, and one that gets across some of Cronenberg's themes early in his career (IIRC it also tied into his personal life at the time).

X2 is really dope, and while I pretty much tuned out of that franchise after X3 - and I'm sure there's been good films since, just don't have the time - it's hard to imagine any of them surpassing it.

Greetings and salutations, AVC gang. It's a Forf of July! Wheeeeee

Yeah but it didn't really drax. Them. Sklounst.


If "Nautical Disaster" by The Tragically Hip doesn't come on at some point, I recommend you quit your job.

Truly you are doing the Lord's work.

Oh Jesus, "Sluggo". Blast from the past.

I live outside San Diego and I haven't heard about a ban but at this time of year it would just be stupid to fuck with fireworks in an uncontrolled environment. It's only gonna be 82f this weekend but ten days ago it was 108f at my house. Ugh.

That is some seriously ignorant shit to say.

I've seen Joan Jett on the Fourth of July before. It was great!

Just remember, it's like fireworks: light a long fuse but don't let it go off in your hand.

I regret that I have but one upvote to give.

No, you're thinking of "Fast, Cheap And Out Of Control".

Good luck!

Steak potatoes beer books TV music movies cleaning the house baseball then probably more beer music movies etc etc

You'd like to. But then I'd run you the FUCK over because wheeee killing jaywalkers is legal (aka "perfectly leegwel").

I haven't heard it yet, and I'm thinking I might wait until after I see them live. Normally I'd like to know the material before seeing a show, but I think I'm just gonna have fun with this opportunity and go in fresh.

I think the film intentionally sets up a false choice: is Curtis crazy, or is he right about the storm that's coming? I think it's both, that he is mentally ill (to what degree is debatable) and that his visions are partially accurate. His condition is both a gift and a curse. Sometimes you'll hear people claim that