Wild Turkey Surprise

As a former musician with a passing interest in/knowledge of jazz, I think "learning to play the trumpet" is one of the more impressive things I've heard of an actor doing for a role. Now, who knows how good his playing really is, but even being good enough to use for the film is really something. It's a tough

That's a huge part of it, for sure.

Yeah I fuckin' hate them too. The voice alone is just awful.

"Twixt" is absolutely terrible. It's mind-boggling that the man who made "Apocalypse Now" could also have made it. It's nonsensical and really just ugly-looking. Can't say enough bad things about it.

Do you have a source on that? Just curious.

Oh, so the piano really was drinking.

As I've probably mentioned before I've no love for the Ducks so I will be rooting hard for the Kings but really just looking forward to a very intense game tonite. It starts shortly before I get home from work so I have it set to record.

I'm forever searching for a reason to throw someone into a freezer just so I can say "cool off".

I'm not going to go to war for Dowd because that's already been done many times (also I don't really care), but I think it's at least fair to save these types of digs at him for times when it was actually him that reviewed the film we're talking about.

I've no love for the Ducks but it's remarkable how they've turned it around. 'Nucks vs Ducks doesn't feel like much of a division face-off since that's a recent development and they have no rivalry but at least the Nucks - like everyone else north of the border - are on vacation soon. Weird to have no Canadian teams

If anything was holy, neither Christie or Fallon would exist, so your question is unanswerable.

Haven't seen either film, but it doesn't matter: tacos are better.

Why not make shit up? Whole self-aggrandizing chunks of Miles' awesome autobiography are at least exaggerated. I don't even say that as a negative; it's wildly entertaining.

Have you seen the movie?

I've been to that restaurant. I walked down the back stairs and approached the dumpster (it was in a different position than in the film). Somehow I did not lose my mind.

Yes, I too find this all very distratcting.

Re: your hip-hop recommendation request, be prepared for an avalanche of recs. I'll limit myself to five that I hope are reasonably diverse:

Scott Pilgrim is worth it no matter what. Plus you get uber-cute Mary Winstead.

Children of Men is fucking great.

Birth is fucking great.