Wild Turkey Surprise

The obvious point of comparison for Interstellar at the time it was released was Kubrick's 2001. The obvious point of comparison for Interstellar at the time it was released was Kubrick's 2001.

I think I met that Hoeven bastard back when he was governor of ND. Flood protection battles? People, come together.

Sam Rockwell could have played the moon in Moon and he'd still be dope as hell.

Is like Arnie fever dream

Paulie is worth the price of admission.

We were almost fixed to see Hateful 8 in 70mm today but the 3 hour run time made us delay. Probably gonna see it soon.

Life's a whirlwind
Wife and girlfriend

I saw Rear Window on DVD and thought it was alright. Then I saw it in the theater and it really popped for me. There was a moment where Grace Kelly's face filled the screen and all was right with the world.

I love in a small town

I have a weird thing about cleanliness and half of the characters in that damn movie I just want to put under a high-powered hose and wash the FILTH off 'em.

I'm sorry to hear you are going through tough times. I know that words from an Internet Stranger don't mean much, but I'm also a Real Person who wants you to be happy. I'm glad you have this weird little AVC where you can say something that you "just had to write or say this somewhere".

The black humor is a great mainstay of the show. Enjoy.

Leave those girls alone

I'm happy for you! Get out there and be yourself. I don't care how cliched that sounds, it truly matters. Best wishes to you.

I'm happy for you! Get out there and be yourself. I don't care how cliched that sounds, it truly matters. Best wishes to you.

Wasikowska is soooooo good.

Best wishes to you in your new environment. I hope it turns out really well for you. Six years ago, I moved to an entirely new area with almost no connections so I think I can sorta sympathize.

I'm retired. I invented dice when I was a kid.

I'm retired. I invented dice when I was a kid.

If you're new to X-Files, all I will say is that it is really really funny when it wants to be. There's comical moments sprinkled in all around, but the stand-alone comic episodes are some of the best.