no one

yes exactly. and you are right that the dominatrix also being someone he knows is pushing it. But I'm willing to overlook that for the same reason.

This makes me sad. I'm always rooting for Chiwetel Ejiofor to land some good parts.

I completely agree. Are we supposed to assume their family has some kind of shared conscious?

That's true. But it was the same thing that created their connection that caused her to be at the center of the current event. He was drawn to her because of the past crime and the new crime was a result of people wanting to take advantage of that history. Since Sherlock presumably knows a lot of people who have been

I think that was a Juggalo reference.

Yes, what Spencer said. Everyone seemed to think that it was too far fetched that Sherlock just happened to run into his pen pal. My point is that the coincidence only goes as far as Sherlock running into a person he had a connect with. Who ever the person was, they were going to be "something". In this case it was

Oh heck no. The thing about not working with your significant other is very true.

I agree that the show is at it's best when Sherlock and Joan are together. But you have to separate them occasionally to get a better sense of how much each has influenced the other.

I've told so many people how great this show is and as far as I know, not a one of them has started watching. I'd say I don't understand but I do, they just want crap like Two and a Half Men and Two Broke Girls.

In reference to Abigail and Sherlock being pen pals when they were 15.

I agree, seems to me the guy stuffing his dead boss into a gimp suit is the one that needs to be fired on a morals clause. Not to mention some jail time for messing with a crime scene.

Is it becoming dangerous to be a woman involved with Sherlock? Not that there are ever going to be too many that fall into that category.

That is welcome news.

Major Pain

So what you are saying is Howard and Bernadette seem like a real couple?

I think Kelly or Jim could do it but they will probably stick with the rest because they seem like decent people.

I wonder if when this show finally ends we are going to have to hear him complain for 20 years about how he can't find work because he has been type cast.

meta commentary on their own lack of sense maybe? I don't get how you could be insightful enough to make the observation but not enlightened enough to not be racist though. Kind of mind boggling.

Don't forget that before Sheldon Amy's only other boyfriend was an imaginary breeder of miniature horses named Armand. I'm sure she could get a guy now after Penny's influence but with that history it is easy to imagine why she would be reluctant to set out on her own.

sadly, it really has gotten to the point that the less we see of Leonard the better.