I'm European and I will not stand for people defending gypsies.
I'm European and I will not stand for people defending gypsies.
Well you know maybe she shouldn't skip the queue. I mean lets be honest here, queue skipping is way worse than racism.
So it's exactly like Wrestlemania 3 then, awesome!
Not if you're black.
Jackmans been great at the Tonys too. Clearly a very good singer.
So Jionni doesn't want Snooki to get black out drunk like she has in previous series that ended up with her getting hurt, arrested, in fights and hooking up with dodgy dudes. He really is history's greatest monster.
They weren't kind to it because its a terrible film
The pro-incest message is even more worrying. Using her good looks to seduce her brother into doing her homework, yikes!
Meh. Paulys funny but theres zero admirable about him. Look at him in the club, just because Ronnie and Mike have a fight and he has to act the big man the night after in the club to try and prove something. I didn't see our brave hero in the middle breaking those 2 up while all the girls cried.
I don't like it when they don't give a good explanation of how a new Alphas power works. That happened this week and the power generally felt so silly that I thought it needed some sort of grounding.
The thing is they aren't always catching the bad guy. Last week they helped her escape. The mute red flag girl escaped too and she's their enemy. They've done a pretty nice job of not always ending up the same way.
He was good as Face in the A-Team movie too
Is Butch Vig on the sex offenders register or do we just assume when someone looks like that everyone will figure it out?
This is awesome!
A Superior Comment
"which gets to feel better than a bunch of people who are comfortingly edited to make sure the viewer at home never feels insecure in his or her own superiority"
Thats below the belt, although I lost my belt so now I use a bowflex.
I never felt Louis was feeling sorry for Ellen in any way. I thought he envied her. She was happy and he wasn't. She'd found a way to be content and she's idealistic, he's realistic and can't believe what she does and that makes him miserable alot of the time. I think he wished he could believe in something like that…
I love Morrissey but I also love chicken nuggets. I'm torn here.