joe name

Alright, how good is this show compared to Avatar? Im assuming you're all going to say i should watch it, but how is it compared to Avatar?

Its up there. Off the top of my head, excluding series finales, i would say the best are Through the Looking Glass (Lost: S3), Final Grades (The Wire: S4), Mizumono (Hannibal: S2) and Postpartum (The Shield: S5)

Watch Oz if you haven't. While it has a good amount of flaws, and an absurd quality drop in its 5th season, its always been one of my favorite shows.

Six Feet Under, Angel, The Shield. None compare.

Nucky Johnson was the real person, and they only based Thompson on him. They said they wouldn't be following his life.

He just wanted his tits.

No, that's one of the reasons i watch, that and that i read the comics, and that it does have some pretty great episodes.

I do that with The Walking Dead.

I was never a fan of The Sopranos finale. I guess from what i see other people saying that makes me stupid. I mean I don't hate it or anything, but i just wasnt a huge fan of the episode. I think the whole its Tony being killed thing is genius, but something about that episode just rubs me the wrong way, somewhat

I actually liked the Lost finale. Yeah HIMYM's was just a slap int the face.
Season 6b of the Sopranos is possible my favorite season. That or season 5. I also hated the cut to black, some of the theories are fine, like the Tony's getting shot, but even then, there is still a ton of loose ends.

Dont ever compare that fucking incredible episode to this travesty.
Becoming has always been my favorite episode of Buffy, along with Passion, Once More, With Feeling, and The Body.

Whats everyone's best and worst finales?
Best: Angel, Six Feet Under, The Shield, The Office (UK/US)
Worst: Dexter

Its a shame this show is on showtime. They're gonna run it into the fucking ground.

Woah i thought season 3 was suppose to the Hannibal season. Mason Verger is suppose to be the Big Bad.

I feel so stupid after reading these reviews. Seeing just how much i fail to see every episode.

Every FX show can now share the same universe. Well Sons of Anarchy and The Shield actually already do.

Im sad i couldn't include Justified. Its one of my favorite show ever, but season 5 was disappointing. But its not nearly as bad as some people make it out to be.

Live Another Day (I'm shocked at how good this was, seasons 6 and 8 were just so bad!)
Community (Good fifth season after the awful 4th season)
The Americans
True Detective
Game of Thrones
Arrow (i wasn't impressed with season 1, but season 2 was awesome, it was just so much fun)

Answer me this, do you watch TBBT? And if so, do you think its good?

How about you go back to watching The big Bang Theory.