
The ending of "Lessons", the season seven premiere, is still on my favorite-moment list.

A Hopeless Battle
I keep trying to get my friends on this show, but alas, my pleas go unheard.
I'm hoping that the next couple episodes go all out.

There are too many episodes in the DCAU that are brilliant stories to stop from watching at least one of these shows.

You Forgot…
"Chris Nolan's look [at losing the Oscar for Inception's screenplay] was 100%: Fuck y'all, I know what happens in Batman 3."

@Son of Mecha Mummy -

Best Baddie
When I was younger, I always loved the Two-Face episodes. Second Chance ranks as one of my favorite episodes of the series, and whenever Two-Face gets to play lawyer I become entranced.

I feel like there were so many moments of tonight's episode that we've seen before, but done better.
How many times are we gonna see Sue write in her diary? And that conversation with Will, Sue, and Figgins in the office…yeah we've been there before.

I have always been surprised by the lack of enthusiasm from Angel fans, which always kinda told me that people just didn't like the show as much.

Waiting in the Wings
Definitely one of the best Angel episodes. And good to know Summer Glau was doing ballet on TV before The Cape.

I would love to watch this show, but I don't actually have cable. So…. yeah, is there any way around this (a hulu substitute perhaps)? Other than stealing cable…

Amazing reviews
Growing up with this show and having watched nearly all the DCAU shows (not so much with Static Shock or the Zeta Project (does that even count)), I put a lot of emphasis on the Justice League show because of how deep the stories go and how well the main arcs were written, but I forget that some of the