Felt Pelt

Love his voice as Mr. Deltoid. His Deadwood SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS death scene is great, would be so appropriate here. He dies onstage as Brian Cox plays the Fool and him Lear, and his last words are "Line?" A bit theatrical even for that show but still great.

Probably both? Wait, I hallucinated an 'or.' I think so yes, and it's really not worth the trouble piecing it together. Short version: everyone's corrupt.

"Life is a pantywaist. In the end we all have to cinch it."

It was relief that it was so hard to take seriously. As I said previously just think of it as Terminator: Animated Adventures, and it's Saturday morning.

Went and found it. Can't disagree that it's breezy and enjoyable.

What is your Scoop stance?

In my experience dogs like routine. If there's a routine and a deviation they could freak out depending on how old they are. I was taking care of my friend's and on the last day of a week of going over there three goddamn times a day, I went over twice. Or twice and once. Regardless, he scraped the door frame to

I think by most measurements people would get excited if they appear in their favorite media.

Fury also bailed on Lost and said publicly they had no idea where they were going. Which, in retrospect, is totally cool. But showrunners seem to get mad when actors throw wrenches in their grand plans. Like Charisma Carpenter saying Whedon got upset at her for getting pregnant.

Oops. Edit

It's like land Jaws on ecstasy.

I've only seen C&D once, but the drama bits left me cold when I did. I liked Woody's story but found the Landau stuff just okay. May have been built up too much.

Scoop, cont'd: It has Tywin, Pycelle and Giles from Buffy! I'd much rather see a film where they have real roles, though. I agree with the commenter here who SPOILERS once suggested the film would be better if the last twist weren't there, and McShane's ghost was just wrong, and there was no killer. It would have a

You have time to make a film, big or small. All the time spent castigating yourself is wasted time. I do this and it sounds like it's something that repeats in your head, and would regardless of circumstance. So just try to minimize it, and focus on actions that have meaning to you. It always takes me a long time to

It certainly looks good in the TNT way, which is defined by me as never successfully getting to the other side of commercials for the program that you are watching. JURASSIC PARK… NOW. AT THIS TIME.

Synecdoche is like Kaufman without the sweeter filter Gondry and Jonze add to his viewpoint. Add in PSH ruminating on death and full of humiliation and sadness, and it's pretty goddamn affecting.

The Visitor: John Huston as action hero, Joanne Nail as woman repeatedly pummeled by her 8-year old daughter. I thought Nail was the love interest from Fletch, she's actually the new girl in town from Switchblade Sisters. Her daughter here keeps Omen-ing it up, Huston has a kickass music sting. Glenn Ford brings class

I think Tarkovsky's First AD was brilliant, though he would also descend into racist tirades. These were meant I think to accurately reflect his virulently Catholic 1800s thinking and the remixed source material quotations of which he was made of.

The implication of just the twitter (I went no further) is that he was seen in a posed photo against a backdrop emitting Blue Steel.

They're missing the makes-out-with-everybody lady.