Felt Pelt

SPOILERS STOP READING YOU SONSOFABITCHES SPOILERS FOR GAME OF THRONES YOU KNEELING BASTARDS I would assume they're going for "Selyse hates her daughter, but not that much." Again, I have to see how it plays out. We certainly haven't seen much more than one note played with her character so far.

I think they actually were asked to make up a new character by GRRM, who felt they were getting far from Jeyne Westerling (by having her be a nurse I assume). My hope to make that plot retroactively be worthwhile was the Lannister Honeypot theory—which was never outright contradicted.

AGAIN SPOILERS FOR GAME OF THRONES BEYOND BOOKS WHY NOT WAIT SPOILERS FOR GOT BEYOND BOOKS The worst they've ever done is when they shoehorned Davos being saved from execution and the decision to leave for the wall into one scene. Team Dragonstone gets the short end of the stick. Sometimes they get only one scene to

AGAIN SPOILERS FOR GAME OF THRONES BEYOND BOOKS FOR THE LOVE ALL THAT IS HOLY JUST WAIT SIX HOURS SPOILERS GAME OF THRONES BEYOND BOOKS Yeah. I can't disagree. But if they sell me on him being consumed with being king, show him in dire straits, almost possessed by the Red Woman, I can see him making the choice.

AGAIN SPOILERS It's just my personal take. I like S___s a lot and like what they've done with him this season. I like the internet fun of calling him S____s the M____s and I'm sure that can continue but with something of an asterisk.

Shitstorm over the plot heading into grimdark brutality.

Yeah, I saw that. HEALTHY WARNING SPOILERS BEYOND THE BOOKS PROBABLY FOLLOW IF THIS DISCUSSION CONTINUES I think it's a supportable character turn both in the show and the books (hell it was even prophesied at the end of S2). It's just that character has been so enjoyable for grim comedy reasons and now they've taken

Yes, Atlanta. It was full of people. The Wild West show had Beiber and Kardashian jokes, which is probably the only thing you missed.

I got the impression that this was all watered down from an original Tales from Okefenokee version that depicted an actual plantation. But the inhabitants have always been creepy animatronic animals:

As an adult it was pretty funny, and I had no prior knowledge to color my expectations. It was so goddamn silly, and for kids.

There's also the weird thing where they have access to comic book versions of DC characters (and also Looney Tunes… movie merchandising deals seem to move at faster rates). There was a new ride, I think called the Joker, where you are thrown very fast in a ferris wheel shaped circle, and it had the newest art: a large

Nope. If he had done that I think he would have been forced to comment on the quality of the movie, which would have made everyone uncomfortable.

Used to watch this a lot. All I can remember is the postman, sheep balls and the scene where his wife doesn't like his novel.

I never made it all the way through season 3, and I'm a better man for it. I think people would recommend the end, maybe.

BOOK SPOILERS AND SPECULATION He ends up at the Inn at the Crossroads in the books, captaining a bunch of orphans who hang out there after the place gets sacked and the owner killed. I imagine we'll get a check-in with him, similar to the one with Hot Pie.

Medieval Times: Interesting in how stagey it was, and how horse intensive. A falcon flew over the crowd. Intense photo upselling. All servers also had to work the registers in the lobby and act as squires in the show. Huge fireplace in the waiting area, and an owl they never used. We were encouraged to scream for a

Are these the lyrics from Brick?

All pasts are assless.

For a second for some reason I thought this headline meant we were getting a Get Your War On television show.

— First History Man