
Seriously.  I made the mistake of clicking on the "160 likes" (now 161) and the list of likers was so long that it didn't fit on the window.  There was no way to even close the window, so I had to refresh the page altogether.

Fair—I've never seen either of those.  I did see Murder by Numbers, which wasn't very great, but he was still pretty mesmerizing.

Hardly the beginning.  The Believer, Stay, Half Nelson….

I can't watch this right now, but the only way I can see that this would be relevant is if this song is a duet with Mario Lopez.

Also, on the iPad CorpseCraft I enjoyed CorpseCraft, although I would stick to the free demo.  There's not enough extra content in the $3.99 version (although I think it does include online versus play).

I liked Coinbox Hero for a quick 30-minute or so browser game.

Oh…I just meant to add to my first paragraph and didn't realize I deleted the second.

Are you Scott Pilgrim?

I'll second that. He was great in Stay, although I don't think I could ever watch that movie a second time.

Agreed.  I can feel my heart going pitter patter.

That's kind of how I felt the first time I came to the AV Club comment section.

"Yet even though our streets are safer…."

Thanks for chiming in, Morrissey!

No, it's definitely just you.


New All-Star Roster
I am really excited for the new roster, mostly because of Lauren Gottlieb. I never saw her season, but holy crap was I in love with her all of last season when she was an all-star.

That problem clearly didn't stop you.

If I couldn't unsee it before, I certainly can't unsee it now!!

HST = Hunger gameS Trilogy?

Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by Robert today. Obviously, he was in his own genre (a luxury he didn't have last week), but I thought he was great. Also, he toned his personality way down to a reasonable level. So much easier to take him seriously.