
Best case scenario. Marvel has reacquired the Fantastic Four. He will play Doom and they will finally have a comic accurate magic wielding Doom.

If this list isn't just a frame for frame copy of Tree of Life, I will be very disappointed.

Freezing Hot wasn't great. But War Paint was. I'm happy for Iliza, I just wish it wasn't a game show…

Thanks for the warning. I was totally going to watch it at work.

Pan's Labyrinth is a horror movie?

I hear they plan to reinvest in print media.

Putt-Putt Saves the Zoo. Errday

Dammit. This is identical to an idea that I've been working on…

I was in until it said "The H8ful Eight". I h8 when they do that.

I was really excited. Then it said The H8ful Eight. I have to h8 this movie

"stark landscape"

Good night, Sweet Prince

Apparently. I'm still waiting for him to return to his greatest role. Topher Grace from the Ocean's 11 movies.

Gotta go Delibird. It's got "Deli" in its name.

The science checks out

"Greatest… Dick… joy"

I agree 100% with Mads Mikkelsen as Dr Doom.

*second biggest flop, behind Incredible Hulk.

Well, Carrie and Lowell is basically Oregon.

"You got Yipp-see kay-yea mutherfailure of here"