
Wait, so doesn't make Vanilla Ice the League of Shadow's weapon to destroy western culture from the inside?

Say what you want about Deng Xiaoping Theory, at least it's an ethos.

Say what you want about Deng Xiaoping Theory, at least it's an ethos.

We're talking about the remake of the Magnificent Seven here, not how Tom Cruise spends his weekends.

We're talking about the remake of the Magnificent Seven here, not how Tom Cruise spends his weekends.

Cruise is the center.

Cruise is the center.

If the AVClub isn't going to finally get cracking on creating a dead-raising formula so Steve McQueen can swing by an kick that alien worshiping dwarf's ass, really, why should we even bother getting up in the morning?

If the AVClub isn't going to finally get cracking on creating a dead-raising formula so Steve McQueen can swing by an kick that alien worshiping dwarf's ass, really, why should we even bother getting up in the morning?

Nudevikng, How many halves can a movie have?

Nudevikng, How many halves can a movie have?

At the time, Jaws opened in more movie theatres than any film up to then.

At the time, Jaws opened in more movie theatres than any film up to then.

I think Do the Right Thing is the movie that deserves the nod for trend setting here though.  Nothing against Boyz.. but Do the Right Thing predates it and I think would be the movie that changed "black films" from the comic book-characters of blacksploitation to deeper, more grounded and serious world.

I think Do the Right Thing is the movie that deserves the nod for trend setting here though.  Nothing against Boyz.. but Do the Right Thing predates it and I think would be the movie that changed "black films" from the comic book-characters of blacksploitation to deeper, more grounded and serious world.

Agreed.  The Abyss deserves a mention for its pioneering use (a few years ahead of T2) of CGI.  I guess the author didn't want to mention two Cameron movies

Agreed.  The Abyss deserves a mention for its pioneering use (a few years ahead of T2) of CGI.  I guess the author didn't want to mention two Cameron movies

Ditto. That stuck in my craw a bit as well.

Ditto. That stuck in my craw a bit as well.

I haven't seen a number of Reynold's films but when I have seen him he's either been excellent (Buried) or at least interesting and seemingly committed  ( Safe House- awful movie, but not the actors' fault).