Frat Guise

Oh wow, I just thought she said marmalade.  Floormalade is significantly more amusing

You are my center
When I spin away

Agreed, the silliness has been replaced by craziness and it's not as fun.

I watched a few episodes out of curiosity, it was 95-97% pure failure.  Usually one really amusing skit per episode.

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus casts Knowledge III

Guess I should have read farther down

This is a profoundly stupid thing I hear all. the. time. (as a person that has an active interest in health and fitness and enjoys discussing this type of thing).  I couldn't be less surprised you got 40 likes.

Nothing beats


Kids today want their double pneumonia but they don't wanna work for it

Veganism claims another misguided soul.

That was fantastic, and the cheerleader outfits were straight out of the pumpers video

Dude, you're on a forum right now

Seriously.  One group of guys I'm familiar with are going to ICELAND for a bachelor party.  20 dudes, just popping over to Iceland to do some partying.

I really feel like KOL should be considered two distinct entities, like IR disc 1 and 2.  The back half of KOL is such a departure from the first half, and sometimes I feel like people that dismiss KOL as a whole haven't given the back half a proper chance.

^^^ dude jackin' it y'all ^^^

This is stuff that I like.  I like this stuff.

you ornery varmint


"20 minute long laugh track with random dialogue in between" is a perfect description for all Chuck Lorre shows