Frat Guise

5:30a alarms and kids are understandable - I like sleep as much as anyone - but two beers conks you out at 9p?

The perfect crime

What's it like being 70 years old?

You haven't heard idiotic rambling until you've partied with Frat Guise

"I'm…f…a…t" - Ras

Did they put BK ads in porn or something?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure even Frogger cabinets had ROM (memory) and a CMOS battery.  Less than a few hours of power loss wouldn't matter.

The fat one


Ooohh ok, lyrics from the song

I don't know what you're doing, but god dammit I support your freedom to do it

^ This is a good post

I have a…Embracing Life with Micropenis for a…@avclub-926fbfca4285491349d0379c1806ef28:disqus .  Anyone here by that name?

You just got GOP pundit-ed by @avclub-d9788dca1673b499692fc7ab062e283f:disqus !

"Drag and drop this, motherfucker!" - Neil Young

Old man take a look at my file
It's a lot like yours

Counterpoint:  Watching Michael Phelps come from way behind in that 4 person swimming relay while the announcer was going nuts was the most gripping, incredible, jubilant sports-related experience I've ever had.

She even has a "what is this?  slime??" look about her

Hey, a guy needs summer clothes too.

Thanks, J Lo!