Frat Guise

Oh, so you're a Chevy guy?

^ This is how I feel as well.  I haven't found much new stuff I'm interested in for a while, but being able to take P&R, Archer, Breaking Bad, etc. with me wherever I go is definitely worth $8 per month.

Backwards like a fox

I have some movies, send me $10 and tell me which ones you want and I'll send them to you

I have shitter's remorse

Roku boxes are cheap as hell

I'll pay anything for a disgustingly sweet coffee flavored drink!

I'll start shitting right now!

That's just good fucking sense though, birds are always trying to steal my candy

We should consider running for office on that platform alone

Honestly, if you can't make $1 billion profit per movie, it's like, what's the point

This year, for Leap Day, I wish I could go to work like it's any other day.

Grado > all

Look I know Rich Mingle, and I doubt he would approve of your actions.

Only if you hate that person.

Insofar as you're keeping your eyes on the moon?

In Rainbows is my second favorite Radiohead album, after OKC (duh).

I am a huge fan of The Eraser.

Don't be that guy that wants The Bends again.
