Frat Guise

Does Fattest Loser even get those kinds of numbers?

It's the real account, all Horsefellow's history is there

1)  Sourdough
2)  Cinnamon
3)  Croissant

A++++ post, would read again

Oh man I forgot about that, pure gold

Deloused is way, way better than anything ATDI did.  Probably Frances, too.

Stop watching, regardless of legality

@avclub-eac75edc18b8546c46893fe4b75ab995:disqus  my normally CBS-loving parents are currently loving Breaking Bad, so at least that show has some undeniable crossover appeal.

ZMF shout out and Horsefellow's reappearance all in one day, am I dreaming??

I predict 100 likes

Comment mistakes like this are why you don't have any black friends

If you're smart you'll pay $20 more for some goofy ass design on them!


These salty and/or savory flavored dried biscuits are makin' me thirsty

Could she BE more sarcastic

Pecans are fucking stupid.

So would you say this book would appeal to me, a guy that's like, really good at shooting arrows and whatnot

You shouldn't'a done that, he's just a [Billy Crystal].  Poor little feller.

Burl, did you hack @avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus 's account

With mighty Jesus' help you can do anything you put your mind to