Frat Guise

Peanuts are beans

"Leonard…producing mafia/medical [frozen pizza reviews] for HBO" - Sean O'Neal

MAN ASS is the mandate of the people

I hate his goddamn curly hair!

You're putting an awful lot of salgar on your pasta, @avclub-8e767a1a905e130ad086869247c3f7f5:disqus

He gives people the wuuuUUUUBBBB noises they've been craving for so long

I'm going to conduct a shitload of science over the holidays.

Well you walk into a restaurant,

You have just successfully distracted your old pal FG

There's a new daddy in town

^ This is an accurate statement


Grizzly Bear = the devil in this regard

The pickles guy makes boobs bigger?  Man some guys can do everything

But how will I know which pickup truck purchase will result in the most glory

He's still the biggest draw, maybe behind the inevitable Sonnen/Silva rematch

You're never going to get popular with highfalutin' comedy like that - you better edit in a laugh track

Hey man if Parks and Community were good they'd get high ratings

^^^ thought he was posting this to Facebook ^^^

"Don't talk about Dawes" LOLNO