Frat Guise

If there isn't an 11th inning walk-off grand slam I don't give a shit

wtf is confirmation bias lol


Definitely didn't watch it, if hip hop isn't about space I lose interest pretty fast

The Die Hardening

I call the band name Fat Pope

I'm not sure how you're connecting those two concepts

In this case, you right

No, but he is frequently in contact with dan-in-the-moon-dan, another shady character

That lone wolf goes by the alias Cenny Bumbermuffins and has eluded authorities for some time

Or will be soon, he's a busy man

Counterpoint:  That monologue was fucking awesome, and Carradine owned it

Kill Bill 2 is one of my favorite movies of all time of all time.

*reviews your tax forms menacingly*

Even better, a fat guy + a neckbeard

^ This guy tosses around $4 like it's $2

The latter

Agreed, the movie badly needed some editing.

Just listen to Freedom Isn't Free on youtube or something and you'll be up to speed