Frat Guise

Or anything, really!

Watch the show, you dern rascal

Nicely done, Bender

Google video "lizzy caplan true blood"

Gotta love them long balls!

I don't need some tie-wearing dick to tell me which facts are facts!

Eggplant food has come a long way.

1) Grilling and drinking
2) Drunk as hell
3) Decided to plant some strawberries

You turds are not focusing on the important question.

I believe anyone that can afford a couch SPECIFICALLY for drinking tea.

LCD belt buckles*

Why aren't more people interested in clothing technology? RIP hypercolor shirts, mood rings, LED belt buckles, etc.

at things*

ITT: old people who are mad a things that scare them.

So, how long did it take to grow your beard?

Seems about right.

I was
expecting a D+, the AVC's default grade for bad movies.

The King's Speech meets Mandingo

As far as insanity goes, you win!

This will solve our problems.
Exercise not only has to be easy, it has to be fun!