Frat Guise

I got ya emotions right 'ere!

Why don't you send Nolan some tips on how he could have improved Inception's plot? You seem to have a pretty good handle on it.

Ok, I chuckled at that.

And this Josh dude!

1) Close office door
2) Go to sleep

*dance in the DDR

Are we looking at the same still?

To make people laugh, try this:

I liked the pilot and the S1 finale the best.

There are few things more metal than a spirited game of laser tag.

"Criminal mischief" is an awesome fucking crime to commit at 79 years old.

No way, Eclipse owned.

#6 - #2455

Ben Folds Five's (BFF?!) first album was fun, I don't see how anyone can truly dislike it.


Fairly Unfair
Full disclosure: I had Throwing Copper back in the day but I am not a Live fan, per se.

I still enjoy Raleigh's Soliloquy every time it pops up on iTunes.

He is a celebrated suspender-man and dieting enthusiast.

9. Added teeth

Show Fights!