Frat Guise

I could not be less interested in re-watching Inglorious Basterds.

Sex is for the French! In America, it's called a Freedom Hug.

I like smiling!

#1 You can have a McNugget, or some McNuggets, but you can't have a McNuggets.

The Chinaman is not the issue.

@Eon mouse
I hope you're joking.

Have you tried masturbating?

Also: all he does is suck butts! It's like, hello!

I'll take SuperD over Butt Sucker any day.

Weekend At Bernie's was pretty scary I guess.

What kind of scout?

Your boyfriend may be a dick bucket.

Show me one Lincoln that ISN'T sexy!

Unsolicited audio from internet ads are really, really poor form.

@A Grear
Cereal is for pussies, breakfast pizza is here to stay.


I once knew a guy
You look like him!

Windows key + D >> Alt-Tab

Hobbits "alot [sic] smaller" than normal people - Rich Fabricstein, costume design
