
I just figured he would ask for a lock of her hair.

"That idiot Tibor lost the key, but you can jimmy it open with a credit card."

"That idiot Tibor lost the key, but you can jimmy it open with a credit card."

Knock, knock!
Who's there?
Glen's new haircut.
Glen's new haircut who?
Fall Out Boy, that's who.

"I fall all the time!"

"I don't know how to say this, ma'am…he was sucking a Cub Scout's dick."

When I saw them in Chicago, Jeff Tuttle stepped directly on my face, as they played "Fix Your Face." It was a true 4D experience.

That scene was completely lost on me…all I could think of was business hugs.

I think part of the reason is that they know they'll die soon and subsequently don't give a fuck about ruining your movie experience. Old people are more gangsta than you think.

You are wrong. That episode was never popular.

Look at me, I'm Blanche Dubois!!!

Titty residue!

We'll settle this the old Navy way. First one to die, loses!

WINDSOR TERRACE (and Kensington) STAND UP!!!!

Almost there, Ada!

#1 - Seth Green

It's pronounced WEINER-SLAVE


Folk music must have been so boring before David Simon invented poverty.

How could you hate the man behind "What was I gonna say? 'Sir, that's a big, strong dick you got there and I can see you know how to use it.'"