That first Mudhoney record . . . Shit, I wish I had a copy of that one right now. I got "Big Muff And Super Fuzz:, though. I need to get the one that Jim Dickinson Produced. I bet that involved a tremendous amount of cackling and hooting.
That first Mudhoney record . . . Shit, I wish I had a copy of that one right now. I got "Big Muff And Super Fuzz:, though. I need to get the one that Jim Dickinson Produced. I bet that involved a tremendous amount of cackling and hooting.
That first Mudhoney record . . . Shit, I wish I had a copy of that one right now. I got "Big Muff And Super Fuzz:, though. I need to get the one that Jim Dickinson Produced. I bet that involved a tremendous amount of cackling and hooting.
All I know is what happened to me when I read my ex girlfriend's journal while she was out of town and how stupid Ed Furlong looked in that "Crow" sequel. My curiosity in Science has been muted by the blinding Horror of actual experience. Today - Laundry. Anything more and I shall go mad, I tell you! MAD!
All I know is what happened to me when I read my ex girlfriend's journal while she was out of town and how stupid Ed Furlong looked in that "Crow" sequel. My curiosity in Science has been muted by the blinding Horror of actual experience. Today - Laundry. Anything more and I shall go mad, I tell you! MAD!
I bet that's a pretty big warehouse, all the different t shirts from all those bands gotta keep at least half a dozen people busy picking orders all day. And all the other stuff . . . I'm sure they dread when Mark goes on the road.
I bet that's a pretty big warehouse, all the different t shirts from all those bands gotta keep at least half a dozen people busy picking orders all day. And all the other stuff . . . I'm sure they dread when Mark goes on the road.
"Outside Of Space And Time"? That sounds cool but when actually experienced it can be decidedly douchey and irritating. Try fucking around with Time (We all do it at Work) before you move on to the more demanding Space. But leave messing with both at once to cats and insects. You don't want to wind up like Ed Furlong!
"Outside Of Space And Time"? That sounds cool but when actually experienced it can be decidedly douchey and irritating. Try fucking around with Time (We all do it at Work) before you move on to the more demanding Space. But leave messing with both at once to cats and insects. You don't want to wind up like Ed Furlong!
I read somewhere that when not touring with Mudhoney Mark Arm manages the Sub Pop merchandise warehouse. I read that somewhere.
I read somewhere that when not touring with Mudhoney Mark Arm manages the Sub Pop merchandise warehouse. I read that somewhere.
Mudhoney, man. You never heard them doing shit like "Rock N' Roll Ghost" or "Sadly Beautiful". Fuckin' great band.
Mudhoney, man. You never heard them doing shit like "Rock N' Roll Ghost" or "Sadly Beautiful". Fuckin' great band.
I hope they are having a wonderful time together this evening.
I hope they are having a wonderful time together this evening.
The crazy thing about Christopher Cross is that he looked like some psychotic bad ass who'd beat the shit out of you just for kicks. What is that word the Talk Radio idiots love so much? "Disconnect"? Yeah.
The crazy thing about Christopher Cross is that he looked like some psychotic bad ass who'd beat the shit out of you just for kicks. What is that word the Talk Radio idiots love so much? "Disconnect"? Yeah.
Wow, that's exactly what I was thinking about half an hour ago.
Wow, that's exactly what I was thinking about half an hour ago.
"All the guys I hung out with in High School are either dead or in Prison."
"All the guys I hung out with in High School are either dead or in Prison."