
This may seem Strange to some of you, but I thought this was an Improvement over last week's episode, probably Because it pulled the scope back to focus on a small group. And because I got over the time skip and am Already anticipating what happened between M'gann and Connor, and what happened to the Absentee Members

Does anyone else find it funny that the most humorous episode has the highest score? I smell a bias.

That permanently pushed me into hating Mako when he said that. It wasn't bad enough that that scene reeked of Shallowness on both brothers' parts, but at least Bolin is always amusing.

Overly serious for your age? How old do you have to be to be considered that? 10?

I know I probably shouldn't ask, considering this is the Internet, but where do you live that no Satelite services operate there? Cause I live in North-Eastern SD and we have loads of options.

And if the Championship is next week, does that mean we won't see anymore of the Pro-Bending Arena after that? Cause, I'm okay with that. So long as we still get the scenes of Amon destroying the place.

@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus AT&T Saving people from Tyranny?

I wake up at 8:30 CST to watch All of the Good Serialized Animated Shows.

MY GOD NFET, you were supposed to warm it up to prevent this!

I prefer to think of it as "Cooler Heads Prevail". It makes sense to me that they'd put it behind them to win the Tournement.

You Mean Third funniest, after Pabu Dragging Himself out of the Restaurant.

That Just raises even MORE questions.

Is anyone else purchasing the episodes in HD off of the PSN? Cause the Voice in the Night's Transfer on there was pretty bad, with Line Pixellation, compared to the First Episodes, which is Beautiful.

Why would they need Pirates of the Caribbean Gifs to explain anything?

Last Word

I'm just going to say they can't keep playing April as Apathetic anymore if she keeps becoming the Heart of every episode. Seriously, she literally says/does the most heartfelt things.

"Well I'm going to go kick my Dick in the Asshole."

As long as it's non-consensual…

No, there going to let the fans decide if she wins or loses, Like Jason Todd.

This is the single thing I hate about P&R myself. Especially the easily swayed media, and particularly Perd. Whenever he shows up, I want to Kill Him, Yes I Do.