Hanged Jury

22 Jump Street

Oh, sure, edit your comment so that mine makes even less sense.

Oh, sure, edit your comment so that mine makes even less sense.



like if u agree

like if u agree

I too feel kinda bad. But I genuinely hope you stick around, @twitter-290766768:disqus. We tease, but we like to have fun here too!!!!!

I too feel kinda bad. But I genuinely hope you stick around, @twitter-290766768:disqus. We tease, but we like to have fun here too!!!!!



I don't know, I found it quite interesting. Hey @twitter-290766768:disqus, what's it like working as a published weekly movie reviewer? Did you set out to be a published weekly movie reviewer, or did it just sort of happen? Do you have any funny or interesting stories to share from your time as a published weekly

I don't know, I found it quite interesting. Hey @twitter-290766768:disqus, what's it like working as a published weekly movie reviewer? Did you set out to be a published weekly movie reviewer, or did it just sort of happen? Do you have any funny or interesting stories to share from your time as a published weekly

Every once in a while, usually when there's a really juicy national news story but sometimes when I'm just feeling masochistic, I'll go to foxnews.com and check out the comment sections there. Just to see if they are as terrible as I imagine them to be. They always are.

Every once in a while, usually when there's a really juicy national news story but sometimes when I'm just feeling masochistic, I'll go to foxnews.com and check out the comment sections there. Just to see if they are as terrible as I imagine them to be. They always are.

Sometimes I wish the very idea of comment sections could just be erased from the collective consciousness. How often do comments actually involve intelligent discourse? Would anything of value be lost if comments were abolished forever?

Sometimes I wish the very idea of comment sections could just be erased from the collective consciousness. How often do comments actually involve intelligent discourse? Would anything of value be lost if comments were abolished forever?

I think that Eggers is awesome for starting McSweeney's. The website does nothing for me nowadays, but I subscribed to the quarterly for a year and it was always a delight. Eggers has a great eye for finding interesting new writers. I discovered a lot of people that way that I really enjoy. And The Believer is also a

I think that Eggers is awesome for starting McSweeney's. The website does nothing for me nowadays, but I subscribed to the quarterly for a year and it was always a delight. Eggers has a great eye for finding interesting new writers. I discovered a lot of people that way that I really enjoy. And The Believer is also a