Hammer Down

Six Feet Under is not subtle in season one, and it does not become more so in later seasons. It does, however, do a better job than any other drama that I know if at getting into the heads of (and interactions between) extremely damaged and self-involved people. I fell in love with it in my late teens (25 now) and

I've always been under the impression that having to raise Maya really ratcheted up Brenda's maturity level. In season five, she seems much more invested in keeping her marriage together than Nate (can we even IMAGINE the Brenda of seasons one and two—or three, or four—going to that Friends church as a voluntary

Well that was before he made windfall profits with his bestselling pamphlet "Acting Without Acting." As for that weird vamping he does on Jenny Craig commercials, your guess is as good as mine.

Hmm. I'm going to have to argue that "Call to Arms," the fifth season finale for DS9 is better than "The Best of Both Worlds," though they are somewhat similar. Both paid off groundwork laid in previous seasons, but DS9 did it on several levels of character and plot. In BoBW we care about Picard, and care about the

The Switch is the best episode of Seinfeld, if The Invitations isn't.

Not to continue a futile and stupid discussion…

@ Magical Half Jew:

@ The Compleat Leper:

My friend and I got high before going to see Fantastic Mr. Fox, which had a trailer for Babies. We were (quite literally) doubled-over with laughter when I whispered "what's the fucking title gonna be—The Babies?" Which I still think would be a better title.

I Must Enter a Title
Captain Picard Day. You know, for kids.