
This show hooked me because it was unconventional: a great example was Jared getting locked in the self-driving car and ending up on the utopian, robot-controlled mid-oceanic platform in S1. Somehow over the last 3-4 episodes this show has devolved into a predictable, trite sitcom. Come on Silicon Valley, buck the…

We do Canada Day on July 1st. Same idea - fireworks and booze.

I also don't celebrate Memorial Day. I think the only statutory holidays Canada and the US have in common are the religious ones - Easter and Christmas - and Labor Day. We have shit like Victoria Day in May (which is universally known as May two-four) and Thanksgiving in October (which we call "Thanksgiving").

Julian Glover has been in Star Wars and Indiana Jones. You can bet your ass that if Harrison Ford had a recurring role he'd be in the opening credits. Let's boycott this shit until Julian Glover is given his just due! Glo-ver! Glo-ver! Glo-ver! Actually wait, I don't care.

They call it buggery in Westeros.

I'm Canadian so I don't celebrate 4th of July. HBO should know this and plan their programming accordingly, around my schedule.

The Stones do a pretty sweet cover of that GnR classic.

I liked season 2.

As someone who has small children, I sadly understand this reference.

- Donald J. Trump

That has to happen if Euron Greyjoy is to use nothing but his massive balls to kill the Night's King while his bride Daenarys looks on in pride.

Well he has the power to be basically omniscient and all-knowing, so I would say he's got some solid upside.

"I took a parabolic route to avoid being in earshot"

No need to apologize, I was trolling you!

Assuming direct control….

I loved the Deep Roads. Made me feel like I was part of the Fellowship going into the Mines of Moria.

So, like 75% of the game?

I loved the Crystal Caves in Dark Souls. In fact I loved every area in that masterpiece. Well, except for Blighttown. Fuck that place.

The Director's Cut fixed the boss battles but yeah, in the original they were brutal. Why am I suddenly in a hand to hand deathmatch with this augmented super soldier who is currently taking me to the woodshed? I'm playing as a sneaky pacifist!

Can confirm: resurrection causes irritability and slight confusion.