
Then we will decide we don't like them and don't think it will work. Then we will google them, mildly, decide we have no idea how it will work and we really don't like them.

Seriously. Mikkelsen took a character that had been cemented so firmly into the public imagination it had not only grown into a caricature of itself, but that caricature became the template for a thousand inhumanly inventive serial killer characters, and he wrestled the devious bastard right back down to believable

Shit, you just made me realise that the stag sculpture in Hannibal's office has its head tipped back, so it's in the exact same position that the stag's head was put in to display the first 'copycat' murder in episode 1.

Oh, Fuck you, 'Hannibal' notification. You give me 15 jump starts for nothing when the show is on the bubble, then it gets renewed and where are you? Off drinking your damn chianti and having a friend for dinner, that's where. I had to look through the items on newswire and find this myself, like some kind of cave

Yeah, I don't know what this holiday's for either. Is it the one they moved a few years ago - the 'we have two holidays at the beginning of May so why the hell don't we move one to the end day?'. 

My line of the night was Jaime's total shutdown of Qyburn's self satisfied moral relativism:

As a Brit, that before now never gave the slightest shit about NBC renewal notices I think it might be the following:

Meh. I don't mind being short. Sure, when you're out in a group it feels like you're stood in a well much of the time, but my Napoleon complex keeps me feeling fresh and secure the whole night.

I think it was a combination of the Tyrion hate and the fact that the Tyrells did some great ink-spraying in the confusion of the moment and after.

And when his incredible life was over, the first line of the epitaph on his stately marble tomb did not speak of his exploits at war, or politics, but:

In England, the official royal bastard surname was FitzRoy. It's still about, possibly due to the heroic efforts of Charles II (At least 12 bastards - they don't make Kings like that anymore.). 


And as commentator on imaginary politics, I think the consensus from this board is that he didn't do anywhere near a deep enough dive into Westerosi enconomics to conclusively answer the question.

Feudal politics. You pledge to loyalty your liege and he protects you, that's the deal. When Aegon the conqueror came over, it was a war of conquest, so fair enough, all bets are off and if you defy him prepare to be burned.

Also, can we get Tormund Giantsbane somewhere warmer because he's wearing a lot of layers and over the last three episodes I've developed an increasing interest in seeing what he's working with.

And the BBC are doing that while silently thanking the Space Pope that something managed to make the Radio 1 chart show relevant again (if only for a news cycle), and giving as many hand wringing but suspiciously bright eyed interviews as they can about the subject.

I used to like the competition ones, before they started adding arbitrary hurdles that have nothing to do with the actual skill that is supposed to be being demonstrated, just for the sake of increasing tension.

Yeah, I've stopped doing that since I made a dissapointed noise because Harrenhal was still in the opening in episode 1, when clearly no one was going to be there. I had to explain making a disappointed noise so early in the premiere, and then I had to deal with my viewing partner's raised eyebrow stare when the whole

SPOILERS BOOK 5 (Well, mentioning a character trait)

I've always reconciled it by saying to myself that the society created by GRRM would have found anyone that deviated from the norms ugly, and we're always looking at them for someone else's point of view.