Potatoes O Brien

you say?

Is Big Pooh related to Big Bear?

Pop punk? Dork Rock
The Ergs! They had girl troubles, glasses, gratuitous Simpsons references, palindromes, and a Paul Baribeau cover. What more could you need?

Oh, and it has an ODB sample. How could a favorite song not?

These lists all lack synth-drowned punk rock
25! by Bomb the Music Industry. A two and a half minute summation of basically everything that made them my favorite band, all of the panic and frenzy captured in a well made song. Plus, "we've got our ideals and no way to achieve them!" Yeah.

You know you want to review the new Bomb the Music Industry record instead.

Harvest of Hope
May have made Langerado redundant by happening over the same 3-days, with a ton of the same bands, in the same state, with tickets that only cost $40. It's got move of a punk lean, with Propagandhi/Fake Problems/Bomb the Music Industry!, etc., which is fantastic. Plus the GZA > Snoop.

Oh bless y'alls little hearts.