
He's an Army of One-half™

Damn. It's scary how young people are these days.

Damn. It's scary how young people are these days.

Ed Wood.

Ed Wood.

He'll return in Jon's faceoff with Halfhand. He just HAS to.

He'll return in Jon's faceoff with Halfhand. He just HAS to.

In the scene with the pyromancer Bronn made a comment about charlatans selling jars full of pig shit. To which the pyromancer replied, "Our order does not deal in pig shit!"

In the scene with the pyromancer Bronn made a comment about charlatans selling jars full of pig shit. To which the pyromancer replied, "Our order does not deal in pig shit!"

I almost choked on my cereal you son of a bitch.

I thought the same thing on first viewing. After rewatching it, I agree with Brienne. Right before it stabs Renly it does kinda look like Stannis.

Deserve's got nothin' to do with it.

Oh. I haven't read the prequel stories but yeah apparently they were singing it long before Jorah.

I'm fairly certain that Maggy the Frog is Jeyne's grandmother as well. I'll be damned if I can find the relevant passage though. The Spicer family seems pretty savvy. I'm fairly sure Sybell was hedging her bets with both the Starks and Lannisters to see who came out on top.

Well the two of them had a nice broment together in the first season so you can't be blamed for projecting it onto the actors.

I wonder how the spam bots choose a post to copy.

I wouldn't condemn the entire scene, but su'mai (I just know that's how it's spelled) is the new low point for the series.

For what it's worth, 'that guy absolutely flipping his shit' (Larry Williams) said in his review of this episode that he was happy to see another black guy in the show.

Invoking sumai automatically drops you one letter grade.

I'm sure they've said it somewhere but I also can't think of when.