
Here's a question for people who didn't read the books.

I know, right?

There's a free-for-all melee, an archery contest, a joust, and of course the 100-yard wench relay.

Jcar, I don't think a TV show can afford to have a slow burn the way the books do. They need to show people the depth of the characters so they'll keep watching. If people think it's just another Good Guys vs Bad Guys story they'll tune out.

I only object when people assume that because that's the way the world is that means it's 'ok' in the eyes of people who write the show or the people who watch it.


This episode is more divisive than the first two. If you like the more character driven aspects of the show this is an episode for you. For people who want more plot and action, this episode slowed things down a bit.

Yeah… I kinda got my threads crossed and thought this one had the spoiler warnings in the first post but… no edit button so there it is.

u mad?

Spoilers for the next episode:

I don't think that's common knowlege. In fact, I'm betting that the caches of wildfire are still scattered about the city. Aerys' pyromania certainly wasn't a secret though. It might be more widely known that he wanted to burn King's Landing but not that he actually had a plan in place to follow through.

Most of the real 'main characters' are very young. I don't think there are a lot big name celebrities in that age group that aren't teen idols. You have to play up the big names to sell the series so… that's what they did. I think they're banking that people will get hooked and they can use positive reviews and word

I don't think Yaya works in one of Littlefinger's places. Yaya's mother owns and operates the brothel where she works.

"What, you mean the time she destroys Robert Arryn's doll when the little snot-rag is destroying her snow castle at the Eyrie?"

Y'all really thought I was serious? I was trying to prove a point.

"It's not racist because you have to wait four years down the road to when the t.v. series won't be racist. "

I'm sure there's mutual respect between Barry and Jaime because they both served under Aerys. Barry probably understands why Jaime had to do what he did.

I'm fairly certain the Lannisters abstained from fighting during Robert's rebellion until they turned on Aerys and marched into King's Landing. But for most of the rebellion they were still technically sworn to Aerys so the Tarlys would be fighting against Robert as well.

The Ghost Of High Heart prophesied at least one more big event in Sansa's future. One she will take an active role in.