
Is this any different then when companies decide to pull a show or product when a segment of the population creating enough of an uproar over that show or product compels the company to act? It seems like this whole thing is a huge case of double standards.

Our government sensors works all the damn time, in various ways.

Ya, lesbians are yucky. Ewwww, they'll get their lesbian germs all over the place.

Or she feels trapped in a horribly abusive relationship.

a 13 year old cannot give consent.

Oh yes jazz, created by those wonderful paragons of virtue, unlike all those hippity hoppity thugerydos.

And a lot of terrible things that are just fact. He was an admitted serial adulterer before this. He had to admit it in a court of law actually. In and of itself, that isn't too horrible, but when you lecture people on morality while admittedly engaging in morally dubious behavior, well you're just a horrible asshole.

Well she is only worth 5 million dollars…

I think you're confusing economic threat with national security threat. Could the two be interelated? Possibly, but not necessarily.

And the FBI has never been known to exagerate if it has the ability to advance it's own interest in expanding the national security apparatus?

Act of war? Like the act of war we committed when we hacked into Iran's nuclear facilities or our comprehensive drone program that infringes on the sovereignty of nation-states? Let's have some perspective here buddy.

National security threat? Let's hold off on the hyperbole folks, it can lead nowhere good.

So it's ok for our gouvernent to censor the media but when a foreign power (and i use that loosely in this case) does so that's the red line?

Romney didn't help matters when he completely repudiated his moderate credibility while running for President. You can say that he said what he said to get elected and would have then returned to more moderate positions but he likely would have been to tied to the lunatic fringue to actually do so. It's…

That was already going to happen anyway. Getting worked up about this won't change that fact.

Corporations aren't people and don't deserve to have a right to privacy

In that case we shouldn't bother realeasing any movies on account of one loon with a gun. Anything can happen on any given release, and the impotent threats from North Korea don't change that fact.

Threaten is a strong word. A threat really is only a threat if one has the means to carry out said threat.

Well, he's not black.

Trilogy is a repetitve mess. He has one note and he hits it over and over again with little to no variation. If you want to talk great R&B albums of the last two years the conversation begins and ends with Channel Orange.