Bloody Mary

You can't say Trudy and Rebecca aren't total ball-breakers when it comes to getting their way, come hell or high-water.

You can't say Trudy and Rebecca aren't total ball-breakers when it comes to getting their way, come hell or high-water.

I've been so irritated by "on-the-nose" for so long, I'm over the urge to punch someone on the nose for saying it again.  It's become comical now, I can only laugh.  An unhinged, maniacal laugh.

I've been so irritated by "on-the-nose" for so long, I'm over the urge to punch someone on the nose for saying it again.  It's become comical now, I can only laugh.  An unhinged, maniacal laugh.

It didn't even register that it is something never seen for some until I saw men repulsed in horror on Tumblr.  THEN I was retroactively shocked.

It didn't even register that it is something never seen for some until I saw men repulsed in horror on Tumblr.  THEN I was retroactively shocked.

Good point, Don gets incensed when all the partners overrule his singular opinion. He's fascinating.

Good point, Don gets incensed when all the partners overrule his singular opinion. He's fascinating.

Good point, Don gets incensed when all the partners overrule his singular opinion. He's fascinating.

I don't have to consider for a moment to know that I would have arranged everything for continuity at work.  I would never have dreamed that would be viewed as passive-aggressive!

I don't have to consider for a moment to know that I would have arranged everything for continuity at work.  I would never have dreamed that would be viewed as passive-aggressive!

In third grade I had written a short story about a suicide quite like this.  It was for an assignment after listening to H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds.  The teacher told us some people actually killed themselves in the panic, but apparently I was the only one who didn't pretend to not be affected by that.  So

In third grade I had written a short story about a suicide quite like this.  It was for an assignment after listening to H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds.  The teacher told us some people actually killed themselves in the panic, but apparently I was the only one who didn't pretend to not be affected by that.  So

Didn't we all learn that when they sent report cards home?  No? Just me? Okay then.

Didn't we all learn that when they sent report cards home?  No? Just me? Okay then.

@poopieface:disqus Isn't it horrible?  Lane was only in debt because he had to pay tax on liquidating his investments to kick in to start-up SCDP.  Lane had entirely the wrong tone in pleading his case to Don, but it was true.  If only he had ASKED for a loan until Easter instead of taking it!  Tragic.

@poopieface:disqus Isn't it horrible?  Lane was only in debt because he had to pay tax on liquidating his investments to kick in to start-up SCDP.  Lane had entirely the wrong tone in pleading his case to Don, but it was true.  If only he had ASKED for a loan until Easter instead of taking it!  Tragic.

MEMORIAM MONTAGE: Remember when Joan was trying to bribe Lane with fried chicken and being coquettish to get a day off, and he said he was immune to her charms?  Then she rebuffed an overture and he tried to apologize with flowers and the secretary mixed up the messages and she clobbered him with the roses?

MEMORIAM MONTAGE: Remember when Joan was trying to bribe Lane with fried chicken and being coquettish to get a day off, and he said he was immune to her charms?  Then she rebuffed an overture and he tried to apologize with flowers and the secretary mixed up the messages and she clobbered him with the roses?

@avclub-913d3a7404f98f0ee3766e12e78506fe:disqus Yes, I have called Megan "a bitch or a tantruming child" every single time she's been a childish, tantruming bitch.  What can I clear up for you?  I respond positively when she acts in a way I admire, such as the way she treats the children, deals with Betty, and half