Bloody Mary

Wasn't there a Pepsi logo on one of the mock-ups?  Don mentioned "bottlers" at one point?

Meanwhile I've subscribed to HBO for my entire adult life and have not been tempted to watch this season of GoT, so one of you can claim my patronage of the show to offset your guilt.

I found this interview from last season:

I don't like her at all, but I had to begrudgingly admit her previous Shy Ronnie skits were decent.  These performances were absolutely abysmal.

If the show had just shown her doing that, instead of just telling Peggy she was considering it, everyone here would have found some way to applaud or pity her for it.  There was no absolutely crisis for her to be worked up about.

I agree, the bellboy incident was super hot, and I was also cheering,on the verge of weeping tears of joy for him and his long-denied fulfillment.

3) I think production was wrapped up and "in the can" before he would have any opportunity to observe and troll.

Well, as Joan points out, it's easy to follow your heart when money is no longer a concern. We should be so lucky.

Rewatching the rerun of "Shoot", the art director running the Coca-Cola ad seemed stereotypically gay (but not over-the-top like Sal).  I like how they peppered that in.


Betty promises Don "There will always be ham."  That's funny.

Is it great communication skills to shake your husband awake in the middle of the night to get something off your chest because you've been caught?  I hope all of her annoying behavior is being written intentionally.

You didn't see Trudy make Pete do any number of things?

More annoying, scrolling past pages of bickering about which Beatles song/album is better than which.

Yes, Don was way out of line there.  Reminds me of a former boss who was clueless of what was really going on interpersonally in the office.

Like Pete, she *is* being good at her job, it's just that certain clients totally suck (or you have to dump a big account because of your boss's secret identity).

She did explicitly say, yes, she did.  She met Don modeling on a fur shoot, and only had three or four jobs after that.  She explains it in episode 9 of season 1.

It's NEW and MODERN with that old-fashioned taste!  Try it! YUM-YUM-YUM

It was like Peggy was the Cool Whip to Megan's whipped cream, a poor imitation.

They're always telling each other this, too.  Joan just told Peggy she's just like everyone else, and earlier Peggy told Pete "it's hard for everyone".  The grass isn't greener.