robots = metal
metal = strong
robots = metal
metal = strong
Jet fuel can't melt Siberian permafrost!
So your saying he doesn't still believe in hope?
Can he still make it to the Sizzler?
How's that "majority" working out for ya?
The House GOP is so boned. Only thing saving them is their opponent…
All hail C.T.!!! MTV's Boston Rob.
Nobody tell the GOP that pushing for the Metric System is the key to immortality.
"Harold, now there's a name to be proud of!"
The 4 episode 2nd season would now be considered 4 movies by the academy…
Any time a guest nominee isn't a purebred that simply read their lines correctly is a win. Those categories should have never been split by gender decades ago.
While the new voting system has pleased the internet MASLANY! I think the shine is off.
Getting rid of they variety acting category continues to ruin everything.
"I'm here to boff this chick."
There doesn't seem to be anyone around lately.
They couldn't put "top-quality" in bold.
"Bring me the Almond Milk."