
@leave_the_silver_city:disqus Her character was so schizophrenically written that she went from corporate drone to commanding officer with some idea of sense (refusing to let the infected on the ship) to a crazy woman running for the escape pods.

@leave_the_silver_city:disqus Her character was so schizophrenically written that she went from corporate drone to commanding officer with some idea of sense (refusing to let the infected on the ship) to a crazy woman running for the escape pods.

That's Percy "Bysshe" Shelley you dolt!

That's Percy "Bysshe" Shelley you dolt!

Prometheus sort of really completely sucked (beautiful 3D aside).  I bet the higher-ups at Coors Light are kicking themselves for buying into those absurd tie-in trailers.

Prometheus sort of really completely sucked (beautiful 3D aside).  I bet the higher-ups at Coors Light are kicking themselves for buying into those absurd tie-in trailers.



I love you for that.

I love you for that.

Just finished The Wind Through the Keyhole and it was very good.

Just finished The Wind Through the Keyhole and it was very good.

The scene in the book is absolutely terrifying.

The scene in the book is absolutely terrifying.

I skipped *once* in high school after the urging of one of my best friends and got caught.  I have sort of a sixth sense for things I'll get caught for and I knew I was going to get busted but went anyway.

I skipped *once* in high school after the urging of one of my best friends and got caught.  I have sort of a sixth sense for things I'll get caught for and I knew I was going to get busted but went anyway.

If I were your boss, I practically demand you called out to watch that match.  Oh, by the way, I'm watching it right now.

If I were your boss, I practically demand you called out to watch that match.  Oh, by the way, I'm watching it right now.

I have a similar situation where I can schedule my appointments and I'm good at time management and making sure my work responsibilities get done.  Hell, today I went to the doctor, then grocery shopping and now I'm dicking around here.

I have a similar situation where I can schedule my appointments and I'm good at time management and making sure my work responsibilities get done.  Hell, today I went to the doctor, then grocery shopping and now I'm dicking around here.