I've always thought (seriously) that the drum beat for 'When the Levee Breaks' should be recognized as a founding moment in hip-hop.
I've always thought (seriously) that the drum beat for 'When the Levee Breaks' should be recognized as a founding moment in hip-hop.
Sex. Is. Violent.
I laughed way too fucking hard at that comment.
I know he was an institution and all but after the stroke, he really looked and sounded awful. He shouldn't have done those last few New Years shows and just let it go. I know it meant so much to him but it was sad to watch him struggle.
I can't find a pause/break button on my keyboard. Does this mean my keyboard is greatly advanced or severely retarded?
Not quite that far, babe.
@StoneColdStephenFAustin:disqus Sure @avclub-194191c15060e323bb610faf147e1700:disqus is more than welcome. More the better.
Actually, 'Steppin' Out' is the only song I really know from him but it's awesome enough to make him cool in my book. I'm scared nothing else would ever be as good.
I know. I'm just glad I turned you on to some music. It seems like you know about every new band and I've learned so much from you.
Hold on right there. You know my adoration of the Shins but 'Steppin' Out' this is not. Now THAT is a great song.
I'm going with good for now. After we test this theory out, I'll change it to 'best makeout song'.
Yeah, that's such a cool/strange song. It sort of comes out of nowhere.
I think it's one of my favorites of the year so far. '40 Mark Strasse' is my current favorite but 'Rifle's Spiral' and 'Bait and Switch' get heavy play as well.
@StoneColdStephenFAustin:disqus Don't ever say I never did anything for you.
"Now that's how I'm gonna clear the table. Don't you ever talk that way to me. 'Pig,' 'Pollack,' 'disgusting,' 'vulgar,' 'greasy.' Those kind of words have been on your tongue and your sister's tongue just too much around here. What do you think you are? A pair of queens? Now just remember what Huey Long said - that…
Carrie 2: Carrier
Very cool track. Is there someplace that lists all the videogame samples he used? I'd love to see how he compiled them.
I can attest to the fact that @StoneColdStephenFAustin:disqus is awesome, fun, smart and incredibly hot. Just lay off for a bit.
I fucking laughed pretty hard. Well done.
No but what's the rest of Avey Tare's album like? That one song is fucking killer.