I liked it, too. The sound that the creatures made was brilliant and really scared the shit out of me. The only parts I actively hated were the basement scene with Tim Robbins and the teenage son. I wanted that whiney fuck to die.
I liked it, too. The sound that the creatures made was brilliant and really scared the shit out of me. The only parts I actively hated were the basement scene with Tim Robbins and the teenage son. I wanted that whiney fuck to die.
I had heard much about that entry but until now hadn't seen it. That's a tough 11 minutes to sit through.
I was in college at the time and it was the single most incredible event I have ever witnessed. Everything and everyone on campus was unified. Every car that passed, you could hear news coming from the radios. Every conversation between every person on the street, in the library or in a bar was exactly the same. …
That's exactly how I wound up here as well. For years I read the print version and enjoyed the AV Club section more than the Onion. When I realized it was online, I was hooked. Also, up until that point I had never really read a comment thread. Reading the posts here for the first time was a revelation.
She's cute as all hell and one of the few artists I can tollerate on the radio. In fact, I'm sort of currently obsessed with "Cheers (I'll Drink to That)". You have to take most pop artists these days with a grain of salt as to how much 'talent' they actually have. Most don't write their own songs, produce their…
@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus It was my fault for having my wifi unprotected (I've since secured it with a password) but I have no idea how long this has been going on or how many things were downloaded from my feed where my ISP could be tracked. This was one innocent, silly movie but god knows what…
On Broadway. "Highlander: Turn On The Dawes".
Do not taunt Magic Answer Ball.
@avclub-ff9891b1f0b45e3a51113ac4fe8a0864:disqus For one, single film? Out of the millions of people who amass huge libraries of pirated movies and music, I'm the one to get a letter? I'm pretty sure that qualifies that the industry is either A) inredibly paranoid or (most likely) B) incredibly fucking stupid and…
Shhhh. . . shhhhh. . . it's ok, buddy. Just sit back, relax and listen to this. Let that Sound wash over you and you'll be alllllll good.
"You're going to die tomorrow"
Q: Is this a good time to refinance my mortgage?
I call mine 'bitey'.
Powers Boothe would just gut that fuckin' gator and be done with it.
Correction: Dawes, by virtue of existing, has created a singularity that literally marks mankind's next evolutionary transformation. The first time I heard that sweet, sweet Laurel Canyon Sound, I could actually feel the cells in my body changing, becoming more aware, more sentient to all the beauty in the universe.
Agreed with David Comes to Life but I wonder if anyone will follow such an epic album. What I love about Fucked Up is that they really don't sound like anything else out right now. I wonder if even they can top DCtL.
M.V.P. Most Valuable Primate
True story: A few months back I got a letter from some legal firm representing the Motion Picture Academy (or it might have been from an actual studio. I don't remember) accusing me of pirating 'Pineapple Express'. Now, I've never even seen 'Pineapple Express' let alone fucking stolen it off the Internet. …
Yeah, I had a bunch. They even had grip tape on them. Teachers hated them because we were constantly playing with them in class.
I keep all my anus nice and neat in my Trapper Keeper. It has a picture of a car on it!