
I did not felt this movie was about "graceful and uncompromising way back into the light" because clearly this man is broke , even though he's leaving rehab. Like the reviewer said, he has an evident instability stuck deep inside him.

Great review. I saw this movie a few month ago when it was released in France & frames of the movie still pop up in my mind sometimes. It's well shoot, the light throughout the movie is really beautiful & help us dive into this trip around Oslo. Never knew a ride on a bike could be that poetic.

Great review. I saw this movie a few month ago when it was released in France & frames of the movie still pop up in my mind sometimes. It's well shoot, the light throughout the movie is really beautiful & help us dive into this trip around Oslo. Never knew a ride on a bike could be that poetic.

Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to not like 30 rock. I'm a huge Community & Park and Rec fan but 30 rock never really made me laugh. Just a few laugh here & there.

Yeah, well, I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to not like 30 rock. I'm a huge Community & Park and Rec fan but 30 rock never really made me laugh. Just a few laugh here & there.

I tried to re-watch the 1st season but could not make it to the end. I've never found 30 rock really funny. So many episodes end with me wondering "ok, what was supposed to be funny in this episode?" I don't know why. But I don't find it clever or irreverent. But I do like Alec baldwin and the way he talks and deliver

I tried to re-watch the 1st season but could not make it to the end. I've never found 30 rock really funny. So many episodes end with me wondering "ok, what was supposed to be funny in this episode?" I don't know why. But I don't find it clever or irreverent. But I do like Alec baldwin and the way he talks and deliver

Silliest decision…ever, in the history of mankind. As Bill Burr would say, "Go f… yourself!"

Silliest decision…ever, in the history of mankind. As Bill Burr would say, "Go f… yourself!"

What annoys me with this show that did not before, is that now they look more for plots that convey a sense of "in the end family overcomes obstacles, even small ones and bring people together" than for gags and situation comedy. I prefer episodes where the sense of chaos & almost surrealism are happening, making

Well, good for them, but I think it's a mess.

He has every right to dislike "The wire" & "Games of thrones." In the end, there's no such thing as a "sacred cow". And that"s for the better. Nothing should be sacred. Everything should be up for discussion. Critical opinions are what make art goes forward.

One thing for the next season : please stop with the Anne/Tom non-sense. It feels like the writers don't really know why they keep trying with it. It makes no sense, it's never funny and it highlight the fact that Anne has absolutely nothing to do in this show. 
This episode was ok for a finale, but not that funny. i

"I'm still watching this show, and mostly enjoying it, but I miss the days when more of the jokes came from the science/geeky/quirky humor. It just all feels forced & gimmicky now."
I'm on board with you on that. Somewhere along the way they lost the essence of the show, this geeky vibe which made it unique.

“May you find as much happiness with each other as I have on my own.”This sentence and the speech in wich it is made me laugh a lot. It sums up everything about Sheldon's personality, it's just perfect. 
Good episode, better than last week. I hope the next season will be focused on Sheldon and Leonard again. I want

A very disappointing finale for me.
 The way Cece and Schmidt broke-up was absolutely not believable and it feels like it happened because the writers had to imagine an obstacle going in the second season. It seemed fake and not earned. They both care for each other a lot (at least that's what the show told us in the

As for Big band, again for me, boring episode. I don't really care about Howard and Bernadette's wedding plot. Too predictable, nothing really happening…
Penny and Leonard could not be less interesting. It feels like this relationship restarted just to give something to the characters to do because they could not think

"So I’ve only seen the pilot of Justified. Worth diving into?"
Yes, absolutely. Great show. I watched Seasons 1 & 2 and I'm about to start the third. Great cast, great plots, well directed and edited.

And I have always thought that Howard & Bernadette's relationship was forced in the 1st place, just to have something actually happening. I mean, episodes should not be that centered around Bernadette and her feelings. She's nice but I don't really care about her. I want to see Leonard & Sheldon as main characters,

Clearly, this show doesn't know where to go next. Absolutely nothing is happening regarding characters growth, relationship, plot… And the worst is that it's not that funny anymore. Same jokes about same characters and their flaws. We get it. I like the analogy with the elevator. Fix it !